Monday, June 24, 2019


Good news fans of the time-honored physical book experience. Unfit Magazine Vol. 3, with my story “PeaceCon,” featuring my futuristic lucha libre character Steelsnake, is available in paperback for $3.99.

What the hell, here's a link to the site where you can buy it. Facebook seems to think that the site violates their community standards, so they won't allow links to it.

This is similar to what they were doing to La Bloga, refused allows links to it for years, then it mysteriously and abruptly stopped with out an apology or explanation as to what the infernal violations were.

Violating community standards is the story of my life.

Better include a link to the link where you can buy Unfit Magazine Vol. 3, just in case.

Guess Unfit really is “Fiction that isn't fit for 'Them.'”

Or as editor Daniel Scott White said, “I named it Unfit for a reason.”

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