Monday, June 17, 2019


It wasn't long ago that I didn't know what an ebook bundle was, now my work is appearing in them without warning. For example: My story “Guerrilla Mural of a Siren's Song” part of Marty Halpern's anthology Alien Contact, is part of the $15 or more deal of Humble's Science Fiction Bundle!

If you didn't know, “Guerrilla Mural” is the story I exploded in my first novel Cortez on Jupiter.

Here's a preview:

I take the stick like an Aztec priest wielding a flint knife, or that cop swinging his baton on that cool, starless night years ago in L.A.--crushing the buckle from my gas mask into my skull, leaving a cute little scar on my scalp that I shaved my head for months to show off.

You also get other volumes of science fiction, and there's only a few days left—do it now!

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