Stop the presses! (Yeah, I know, we don't have presses – I just love the image on huge, clunky mechanical monsters being forced into a clattering, catastrophic halt.)
My story, “Death and Dancing in New Las Vegas” has just been accepted by Analog. You bet your finest python-skin vaquero botas, I'll be keeping you posted as to when and where you'll be able to buy and read it.
This new story is a sequel to “The Rise and Fall of Paco Cohen and the Mariachis of Mars.” It was in the April 2001 issue of Analog. If you missed it, you can listen to my podcast of it at the Theme and Variations site.
“Death and Dancing in New Las Vegas” features Paco Cohen, years later, when both he and Mars are changing. Got a feeling there's a few more Paco stories in me, clawing their way out. Then, there's the matter of Paco's daughter, Xé-Xé . . . This universe has taken on a life of it's own.
I'm getting to be an old timer at Analog. Back in April of 2000, they published Obsidian Harvest, a novella I wrote with Rick Cook, that was reprinted in Gardner Dozois' 18th Year's Best Science Fiction. It's a hard-boiled detective yarn in a world of Aztecs and dinosaurs.
It feels good to to have contributed to a publication that goes back to the early pulp days, when it was called Astounding Stories of Super Science. You can read a lot of that wonderful old stuff online or as ePub files from Gutenberg.
Meanwhile, there's more exciting news coming, so stay tuned (as they used to say back in the analog television days).

Congrats Ernesto! That'll be some nice ink.